A Creature Named Syut

The Syut [See ut] (Plural) Syu [See oo] (Singular)

   The Syut, a strong, carnivorous creature. If you were to compare it to an animal, most likely it would be closest to a penguin and hawk who had babies. The Syut lives in the Temperate Forest during Summer and Winter. Normally, unless there is a climate change or major weather change the Syut will stay in an area of a lake or river and claim it as it’s territory, much like eagles, but also like Humans or Penguins they will live in groups from 2-10  kind of like little tribes. Once their young has aged to 7 years it will either go off and find or create and new tribe with a female or male mate.

That is the end of the summary of the Syut. In the next post I will add a detailed picture of the Syut and how much my imagination likes to draw giant headdresses on birds.





My Conversation With My Father

I had the most interesting conversation with my father on the way to the doctor’s office. It was so perfect I am willing to share it with you. 


Me: You know what is really deep dad?

Father: What?

Me: Your left hand will never be as good as your right hand no matter how hard you try.

Father: Oh, that’s deep.

Me: Yeah…

Father: You know what else is really deep?

Me: What?

Father: The Ocean… without sponges.

Me: What?!?

Father: Seriously, imagine the ocean without sea sponges. The sponges soak up a lot of the water in the ocean.

Me: Wow, that is really deep…






How To Create A Portal Gun (This is Supposed to Be Funny)

Ahh, the magnificent Portal Device. Well known among the ones who devote all their time into video games. Valve’s Portal one and Portal2, the best puzzle game ever. Uses physics and your brain to solve puzzles. Using stories of the game to keep the player entertained throughout the game.

Now, to cut to the chase, the Portal Device. If you look at the Portal Device in the game or if you have a replica, that might or might not be to my left, you would see the trigger that would or would not be pulled. That trigger “shoots” a “portal”. The Portal Device is not “shooting” a “portal” but simply creating light flow out of the Portal Device.

Step #1) It would be very simple to make it, if it only needed to make light, but the hard part to it, is that you need to create mass amounts of light. Even then, not just “mass amounts of light”. Wormholes needed to be created inside a small container. Which if you have no idea how that is difficult, you try making a Wormhole(for those of you who have no idea what a Wormhole, Whitehole, or possibly Blackhole is please look it up, I am not going to explain it to you in detail).

Step #2) The Wormhole is light, as I said before “mass amounts of light.” A Wormhole is not easy or safe to create. Plus, you need to compress that Wormhole into a circle or oval.

Step #3) Then, you would need to separate that Wormhole that you have created, into two different ones.

Step #4) Next thing you have to do is create a container that can hold all of that mass amount of pressure and compress inside the portal gun.

There you go, four “simple steps on how to make a Portal Device. Please don’t send the world into space and kill everyone in the process(that would be bad).

The Ones Who Passed Away

The girl stared down at her mother’s grave. Water filled her eyes, dripping onto the ground. *Splat, Splat* “Why do you visit your mother’s grave everyday?” Her father asked her. “Because I want to that’s why.” She lashed out in fury. “I… I brought flowers mommy, they are daffodils, I know how much you like daffodils. We would pick them from our garden everyday. Remember when I accidentally pulled out a flower instead of a weed? Heh, heh that was funny. We laughed forever.” Don’t worry mommy, I know you are out there somewhere. I’ll find you. Even if I have to drag you out of the sea of the dead myself.” Determination sparkled in her eyes as she looked up at the beautiful moon shining proudly in the night sky.