A Creature Named Syut

The Syut [See ut] (Plural) Syu [See oo] (Singular)

   The Syut, a strong, carnivorous creature. If you were to compare it to an animal, most likely it would be closest to a penguin and hawk who had babies. The Syut lives in the Temperate Forest during Summer and Winter. Normally, unless there is a climate change or major weather change the Syut will stay in an area of a lake or river and claim it as it’s territory, much like eagles, but also like Humans or Penguins they will live in groups from 2-10  kind of like little tribes. Once their young has aged to 7 years it will either go off and find or create and new tribe with a female or male mate.

That is the end of the summary of the Syut. In the next post I will add a detailed picture of the Syut and how much my imagination likes to draw giant headdresses on birds.





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