Dark Caves Pt. 3

“Wow, that’s new…” Silver muttered as he sat down in the comfortable chairs, overlooked by a giant chandelier. “Wha- what’s ne-” “Holy crap! We got a flipping baby dragon!!!!” Rhodolite was abruptly cut off by her loud friend Emerald. Bronze was also shocked as he calmly strolled into the giant airship, spotting the baby dragon.

The baby dragon looked as if it were coated in a smooth red paint. His eyes were bright as the Sun, and sparkled like gold. His knife-like talons and a ruffled mane that ran down his back until the tail tip, like a yellow flame. He had eye-catching flaming scarlet scales that were stronger that iron. He had one little fang that was just a little too long and stuck out to the point where the dragon was embarrassed.

The intercom for the airship shuttered to life as the Captain spoke into it. “Yes, yes if you didn’t notice we found a baby dragon. Well, we didn’t, the General found it in the woods soon after he finished talking to you through the camera. Anyways, get in your seats, we are lifting off.” Minutes after the intercom sank back into its quiet slumber, the engines on the airship exploded into a bright blue light that launched the airship high into the endless sky. The young beast shivered and sprinted towards Rhodolite, squealing as if ice cold water was splashed onto him. The dragon leaped into Rhodolites lap and rested his head on her knee. His breathing slowed and fell asleep almost instantly. “Hey Rhode!” Emerald called, “I think he likes you, you should give ’em a name!” Rhodolite gazed down at the little creature and let a smile creep onto her face. “Yeah, maybe I will.” she agreed, “Hmmm, maybe Gold?” “No, that is too human for a strong creature like him,” Bronze corrected. The intercom awakened with a rasping voice, “You may now move quietly throughout the ship.” Emerald babbled, “Why don’t we just talk about this is the dining cabin! I’m starving!”

Without hesitation, they all nodded silently in agreement to her and walked to the cabin with the now awakened baby dragon perched on Rhodolite’s shoulder. The door slid open and everybody, including the dragon, sat at one large table. Rhodolite’s eyes lit up with a new idea for a name. “What about Leo?” she wondered. “It reminds me of my brother who disappeared when I was just starting beginning training. He was like the legendary lion of the Sky, Leo.” “I thinks it’s a great name!” Emerald blurted. “Same with me,” agreed Bronze. Rhodolite stared for praise or acknowledgement from Silver. “Seems like a fine name to me,” he mumbled. The dragon now named Leo turned his friend, Rhode and purred with a smile on his face. “Leo is like a lion, isn’t he? He has a mane and lots of teeth,” Bronze noticed. “But to be honest, I really wouldn’t know, I have never seen a real lion before, or any animal besides fish, chicken, and the occasional deer when we do hunting practice.” “I hear that most creatures have been eliminated by Dark, a god beyond all of our strength combined,” Emerald spoke in a monotone voice. A moment of sadness seeped into the group of friends, while Rhodolite felt anger surge up inside of her, and burst, “Someday they will come back! The majestic Stars will come and defeat Dark, and the animals will come back to the light, from Caves. The one who held them captive for hundreds of years!” “Whoa, who pulled at your strings?” mocked Emerald.

The conversation fell to silence as the Captain announced the airship will be landing in ten minutes. Leo and Rhodolite immediately stomped out of the cabin, managing to slam the slide-open door on their way out. Bronze and Silver followed coolly and quietly until Emerald was left alone. Later, she trudged her way out. A frown cracked on her face, by the cruelty she felt from inside her. As she neared the main cabin, she passed Rhode and apologized. She fell back into her own seat and thought until the ship reached its destination.