Reflection: Seventh Grade

When I first arrived in August, I expected mean 8th graders who would knock all my stuff out of my hands, but then I realized that they weren’t all too bad in 7th grade. I actually enjoyed talking to them, 8th graders can be a lot of fun sometimes! By October everything was routined and boring, and I had trouble in math. Eventually I realized that math wasn’t all that hard at all. In the 7th grade I learned how to properly check my work and get good grades, also I learned better grammar, especially with capitalization, and how to make really bad jokes, for example, what is a microbiologist in an orchestra? A cell-ist! As the year comes to close, I will do my best to keep my grades up. If I had to do it over again I will always check my work!!

Dark Souls and Good Hearts: Intro

I am writing a wonderful story about a boy who lives and dies, although it is a very long story. Too long for me to organize and type it all out into words in one night, but if you like the story, I will write the full thing out in a month minimum (it really is a long story for me to write). Please enjoy the intro! Comment too!

Kurai, an average boy. His grades were B’s and A’s. He had straight, crow-colored hair and ghostly skin. He was tall, although not extremely muscular. His eyes were chunks of coal, trapped by the whiteness that surrounded the iris. He wore colorless grey and black clothing, matching his exterior personality, everything about him was normal, except for the fact that a demon lied in his soul.
It was the 8th grade of Water’s Edge Middle School for Kurai, he was at locker C72, right next to Jonas, the jerk who bullied him day and night, saying that they were townhouse neighbors in the city. “Heeyyyyy Kurrraaaaiiii, wanna take me on?” Jonas taunted. A small group of kids of all grades formed gathering more and more people every second. They surrounded locker C72. A blond-haired jock barked, “Yeah, you can’t take ’em on, you’re too weak!” The crowd burst into ridiculing laughter, jocks spreading their bacteria-filled saliva everywhere. “Leave me alone,” Kurai muttered as he gently shut the locker until it clicked. “I am afraid we can’t Kurrrrai,” Jonas spat, “Didn’t your forget your books anyways?” Jonas gripped onto Kurai’s midnight hair and smashed his face into the locker, twisting it until he was scratched and bruised. The bell rang. At that moment, an old man who taught math across the hall opened the door and stomped his way through the now clearing crowd, pushing away the children. “Leave immediately!” He rasped angrily. The crowd of obnoxious children scattered into smaller groups where they gossiped about the event that happens weekly. “Are you okay, boy?” He wondered in a hushed tone. “Yes, I’m fine.” Kurai replied coldly.

Dark Souls and Good Hearts

My Young Childhood Toy

Bubbles, the one who waddled through my life, his flightless wing grasping my hand as we went on wondrous adventures, finding more and more of the Ubbles family.


At the age of 5, I was finished with my hike up Enchanted Rock and on the way home. We stopped at a small town hoping for some ice cream to cool ourselves from the poisonous floating lightbulb we call the sun. As we relaxed, letting the frozen ice cream melt down our esophagus, little me, spotted a toy store. Excitement flared in my eyes as a smile crept along my face. “Mommy, Daddy!!” I yapped with anticipation of reaching the beloved toy store. I pointed a short finger towards the store and squealed with exhilaration of wrapping my arms around a new plushy that I would probably throw away in a couple of days. Due to the annoying sounds of my sister and I, my parents slugged towards the store.

The auto-slide, glass door opened, and as soon as I took my first step into the world of partially overpriced plushies I spotted Him. At that very moment I knew that He was the one and I would be with him forever. I ran over to the swiveling organizer and snatched my favorite animal. “Mommy, Mommy!” I barked, “I want this one!!” I showed her the stuffed Emperor Penguin, with a gleeful smile, exposing my first lost tooth that I lost recently. I clamped my mouth nervously, and embarrassingly staggered my way to my father and asked him if he could let my Penguin rest on the counter where he could truly become my friend. Finally we checked out and I met my very best inanimate friend that I would be with, not a couple of days like my parents predicted, but for four years.

Bubbles, the messy penguin who could never keep his feathers clean. I took him on all kinds of adventures, I made up stories that I told to my sister and grandfather. Bubbles had a brother named Wubbles, who was cleaner and more organized. In the stories that I told my grandfather every morning at 7:00 am, Bubbles was the super hero who saved Antarctica from the invading polar bears or evil babies, and Wubbles was the sidekick who warned the town of icy cold igloo town to escape from the bad guys. I played with Bubbles and Wubbles like they were dolls. Although they didn’t have a doll house of their own, I would use my doll house to simulate one, where Wubbles would be captured by Neighbort, an evil horse, then be saved by Bubbles. I collected more and more pengiuns, I even have a glass one that still sits on my bed-side table!

I loved my Penguins, until I lost Bubbles, then I fell into pieces. I looked for hours, and finally gave up forever. Too keep me from crying any longer, I told myself that Bubbles is out on a super secret mission and will not be coming back for a long time. I still keep an eye out, in hope that I may find him again.



My City

I am from a city. A place where huge music festivals and everything weird comes and joins at one point; where years of drought still exist; where dress like a cowboy day is common; where the beautiful blue bonnets grow. I am from Austin and I love it here.

Austin is a great place to visit, especially during certain times of the year, for example: in the Fall there is Austin City Limits (ACL). Although I have never been, ACL seems like a really fun place. ACL is not the only event the fall of Austin has. There is also F1, more for people from Europe, but I attend there every year. I think it’s really fun with all the Drag Racing and other events besides just the race. In the Spring, there is South by Southwest (SXSW). There are tons of places to go! My mother went there this year and met Nick Cage himself!!

Another reason you want to visit Austin is not just because it is holds a lot of events, you might just want to visit the zoo or adventure around 6th street, maybe even visit UT!

Finishing off, I love my home town Austin and all of its weird things and crazy events. I hope if you come here you may enjoy it just as much as I do!!

Dark Caves Pt. 3

“Wow, that’s new…” Silver muttered as he sat down in the comfortable chairs, overlooked by a giant chandelier. “Wha- what’s ne-” “Holy crap! We got a flipping baby dragon!!!!” Rhodolite was abruptly cut off by her loud friend Emerald. Bronze was also shocked as he calmly strolled into the giant airship, spotting the baby dragon.

The baby dragon looked as if it were coated in a smooth red paint. His eyes were bright as the Sun, and sparkled like gold. His knife-like talons and a ruffled mane that ran down his back until the tail tip, like a yellow flame. He had eye-catching flaming scarlet scales that were stronger that iron. He had one little fang that was just a little too long and stuck out to the point where the dragon was embarrassed.

The intercom for the airship shuttered to life as the Captain spoke into it. “Yes, yes if you didn’t notice we found a baby dragon. Well, we didn’t, the General found it in the woods soon after he finished talking to you through the camera. Anyways, get in your seats, we are lifting off.” Minutes after the intercom sank back into its quiet slumber, the engines on the airship exploded into a bright blue light that launched the airship high into the endless sky. The young beast shivered and sprinted towards Rhodolite, squealing as if ice cold water was splashed onto him. The dragon leaped into Rhodolites lap and rested his head on her knee. His breathing slowed and fell asleep almost instantly. “Hey Rhode!” Emerald called, “I think he likes you, you should give ’em a name!” Rhodolite gazed down at the little creature and let a smile creep onto her face. “Yeah, maybe I will.” she agreed, “Hmmm, maybe Gold?” “No, that is too human for a strong creature like him,” Bronze corrected. The intercom awakened with a rasping voice, “You may now move quietly throughout the ship.” Emerald babbled, “Why don’t we just talk about this is the dining cabin! I’m starving!”

Without hesitation, they all nodded silently in agreement to her and walked to the cabin with the now awakened baby dragon perched on Rhodolite’s shoulder. The door slid open and everybody, including the dragon, sat at one large table. Rhodolite’s eyes lit up with a new idea for a name. “What about Leo?” she wondered. “It reminds me of my brother who disappeared when I was just starting beginning training. He was like the legendary lion of the Sky, Leo.” “I thinks it’s a great name!” Emerald blurted. “Same with me,” agreed Bronze. Rhodolite stared for praise or acknowledgement from Silver. “Seems like a fine name to me,” he mumbled. The dragon now named Leo turned his friend, Rhode and purred with a smile on his face. “Leo is like a lion, isn’t he? He has a mane and lots of teeth,” Bronze noticed. “But to be honest, I really wouldn’t know, I have never seen a real lion before, or any animal besides fish, chicken, and the occasional deer when we do hunting practice.” “I hear that most creatures have been eliminated by Dark, a god beyond all of our strength combined,” Emerald spoke in a monotone voice. A moment of sadness seeped into the group of friends, while Rhodolite felt anger surge up inside of her, and burst, “Someday they will come back! The majestic Stars will come and defeat Dark, and the animals will come back to the light, from Caves. The one who held them captive for hundreds of years!” “Whoa, who pulled at your strings?” mocked Emerald.

The conversation fell to silence as the Captain announced the airship will be landing in ten minutes. Leo and Rhodolite immediately stomped out of the cabin, managing to slam the slide-open door on their way out. Bronze and Silver followed coolly and quietly until Emerald was left alone. Later, she trudged her way out. A frown cracked on her face, by the cruelty she felt from inside her. As she neared the main cabin, she passed Rhode and apologized. She fell back into her own seat and thought until the ship reached its destination.

As The Crow Fries

You can only see him when he passes the moon, he spreads his wings, starlight is captured by the darkness in his wings. A beak, black as pitch, like even the sun can’t even show light on him, until… BAM! His stubby body is ignited with a bright, green Fire. It was almost like conflagration on a living creature. Within seconds it’s flammable feathers turn into ashes and plummet to the Earth, like grey snow. A burning feather, floating to the ground, almost disintegrated from the immeasurable heat, lands on the cool grass, slowly burning it’s inanimate life away until all of it has become nothing. The cause of this tragedy? Fire Magic.


Journal Writing: Concrete Writing

The blue sky was in reach of her long, thin fingers. The land stretched over the sky behind her, bearing structures that her people created. Brick by brick for the land she ruled. In front of her, the land fell endlessly under her dangling legs. Great birds, and small ones created a harmony for her melodic music she played on her ocarina. The melody and harmony wisped throughout the air, bringing it miles and miles around the kingdom, the birds and her sung. A beautiful, white dress hung about her shoulders, lined with gold and silver. Large, weeping willows shaded her golden locks from the sun that she could almost touch. An old man, tall and proud, clothed in blue, silver, and gold. He held a staff with a golden stork-like bird swiveling around it. “Zelda, Link is here to see you, he wants to show you the Skyward Sword.” He spoke.

A Creature Named Syut

The Syut [See ut] (Plural) Syu [See oo] (Singular)

   The Syut, a strong, carnivorous creature. If you were to compare it to an animal, most likely it would be closest to a penguin and hawk who had babies. The Syut lives in the Temperate Forest during Summer and Winter. Normally, unless there is a climate change or major weather change the Syut will stay in an area of a lake or river and claim it as it’s territory, much like eagles, but also like Humans or Penguins they will live in groups from 2-10  kind of like little tribes. Once their young has aged to 7 years it will either go off and find or create and new tribe with a female or male mate.

That is the end of the summary of the Syut. In the next post I will add a detailed picture of the Syut and how much my imagination likes to draw giant headdresses on birds.





Dark Caves Pt. 2

Dark Caves Pt. 2

Emerald blasted through the doorway, Rhode right behind her. “S-sorry we’re late General.” Emerald huffed as she scanned the room with her quick eyes, seeing her stout, powerful, quick friend, Bronze standing with Silver, a tall, silent boy with white hair and grey eyes, yet no age was weighed upon him.
“It’s fine, Emerald you weren’t that late. Only by a few minutes.” Silver murmured. His bright grey eyes shined like stars in the dark, cold night sky. A TV screen was hanging from the ceiling, a man was seen through the screen. His dark hair, pale face scanning the four children. Then, he spoke; “I have called you here for a reason, as you may know already.” The children nodded in reply. “I have found a Cave, this one, unusual, whenever humans go in, they never come back. I want you to check it out immediately. I already have a jet ready outside.” ” Yes sir!” The children shouted in unison.
Bronze, sprinted through the great doors to go outside. Nobody was even close to him. He stood outside, letting the Sun wash against his red-gold hair. He scanned the ground around him, stone replaced the fresh green grass that lived there so long ago. The trees, turned to statues-wooden statues, showing weapons and their wielders. The sky, almost grey from pollution from the facility. For him, when he was brought her, only two taken from his family–the sky was lighter, like a blue. Until he came, destroying all of the beautiful artwork. Except for these five statues. One was made of oak. To the far left, the wielder had bronze eyes, and his weapon an axe, also crafted from the oak tree, had a blade of bronze, and his shoes had one bronze circle at the top. The next one was birch. The wielder was female this time, her eyes a smooth emerald. Just like the tips of her long, thin knives. The one in the middle. It was a beautiful rose wood. The wielder was a male tall with golden eyes. In his hand he held a staff. Each side was a blade with the capability of easily slicing steel. It was like two swords, connected into one powerful staff. To his right, a little girl shaped out of a weeping willow holding twin blades, she bore rhodolite eyes and her sword blades were the same. She looked nervous, but about to attack too, like she was worried for her victim. The last statue, made out of a white wood the Bronze didn’t know the name of, was a mysterious, tall, young male. He held a bow and was notching it, with a quiver filled with silver-tipped arrows. His eyes, a cool silver metal, just like the arrows on his back.
“Bronze, what are you doing? You’re just staring into space or some’tin’.” Wondered Emerald. “Yeah, sorry, I zoned out.” Replied Bronze. “You are always doing that nowadays, whatever lets get to the ship.” Sighed Emerald.

My Conversation With My Father

I had the most interesting conversation with my father on the way to the doctor’s office. It was so perfect I am willing to share it with you. 


Me: You know what is really deep dad?

Father: What?

Me: Your left hand will never be as good as your right hand no matter how hard you try.

Father: Oh, that’s deep.

Me: Yeah…

Father: You know what else is really deep?

Me: What?

Father: The Ocean… without sponges.

Me: What?!?

Father: Seriously, imagine the ocean without sea sponges. The sponges soak up a lot of the water in the ocean.

Me: Wow, that is really deep…