The Wall Poem For Ms. Schoch


The Wall,
When I was little I would climb onto the stone wall,
It’s white stone,
Staring down at me,
It was Challenging me,
Little did it know,
That I was going to conquer it,
Climbing, stepping, leaping onto my play scape,
From my play scape I jumped,
Flying to the wall,
I lifted my little self atop the wall,
I sat there,
Letting my legs dangle over the grass,
Grass reaching for my tiny feet,
Bicyclist waved as they passed,
I waved back,
That was the last time,
I ever set foot on,
The Wall

Prepositional poem

A prepositional poem, no help included. -_-

Speeding through the yard,
Hiding in the tall grass,
Hurtling through the bushes,
Watching for hunters from above,
Concealed in the burrows,
Stealing the plants,
Running from the hungry cat,
Slows for a rest,
Goes into a deep sleep,
Here is the owl.